Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Treatments
Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Treatments
When someone has anxiety, the body sends out a rush of adrenalin, a hormone and chemical messenger that triggers the fight-or-flight response. This response is designed to prepare humans to escape from danger. Today, however, we are less concerned with running away from danger and more worried about work, money, family life, and our health. Nevertheless, when people are constantly worried about the state of our lives, it can lead to an anxiety disorder.
People who are suffering from anxiety disorders may not know that they have an underlying health problem. Sometimes, these symptoms are the first sign of a medical problem. Your doctor may order tests to determine whether there is something wrong. Additionally, certain medications can cause anxiety. Finally, certain kinds of trauma or illness can also lead to anxiety disorders. Thankfully, there are treatments for anxiety disorders. A therapist can help you find the best treatment for your particular condition.
Anxiety disorders respond well to therapy. A psychologist or therapist may prescribe a combination of both psychotherapy and medication to treat your condition. Psychotherapy is an effective way to treat anxiety, but it must be targeted to the particular anxieties you are suffering from. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one such treatment. It focuses on the way you think and behave and helps you identify distorted beliefs and harmful patterns in your brain. It’s a proven treatment option for many people suffering from anxiety.
Various types of anxiety disorders can affect different aspects of your life. If left untreated, your condition can negatively impact your relationships and your life. Thankfully, most of these disorders are treatable and can be controlled successfully. Anxiety disorders affect many people, with about 25% of the population suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder. However, it’s important to note that anxiety disorders are often linked to depression. The following symptoms may be signs of an anxiety disorder.
Keeping active is another important method for treating anxiety. You should avoid isolation and enjoy activities that allow you to connect with other people. If possible, try to find ways to avoid alcohol and drugs, as they can increase your anxiety and make you feel worse. If you do, seek help from support groups. The support groups are a great way to meet other people who suffer from the same disorder and share your experiences with each other. You’ll be much more likely to find help if you take the first step in treating your anxiety disorder.
Anxiety attacks are generally short-lived and last about 10 minutes. When they happen, the symptoms can make people feel as though they’re having a heart attack or are about to die. Some people may feel so scared that they avoid certain situations, or even try to stop the attacks altogether. This causes the person to feel as though they’re going crazy or are about to pass out. These are all symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder.