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How to Recognise Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of life, but it can become a problem when feelings of anxiety last over a long time, cause serious distress and affect your behaviour. It can also lead to physical symptoms, such as shaking and sweating.

Often, anxiety starts as a reaction to a traumatic experience or life challenge. Usually this is normal, and can pass after a while without becoming a disorder.

But if anxiety becomes uncontrollable or starts to interfere with your life, talk to your doctor about getting it diagnosed. They can help you manage your symptoms and find a treatment plan that works for you.

Risk factors for anxiety disorders include genetics, brain chemistry and personality. Environmental stress is also a factor, including stressful life events that have happened to you or your family. Other risk factors include drug use and addiction, illness, or a chronic health condition that you have to live with on a daily basis.

Some people have a history of childhood abuse or trauma, which can increase their risk for developing an anxiety disorder. Survivors of a traumatic event may also develop posttraumatic stress disorder, which can cause panic attacks.

It’s important to remember that most people have felt anxious or nervous at some point in their lives. Whether it’s about talking in front of a group, getting a job, or caring for a loved one, most people have a certain level of nervousness about something.

This reaction is called the ‘fight-or-flight’ response, and it was designed to prepare us to run away from a large animal or potential danger. For most of us, these days, the threat of danger is less imminent and more likely to involve work, money, or other vital aspects of our lives.

Our bodies still respond to these triggers with the ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction, but it’s not always necessary. Some things are just not worth worrying about, such as a bad job or being unable to pay the rent.

In some cases, anxiety can be an indication of a medical illness or a side effect of medication. In these cases, the doctor will order tests to find out what is causing your anxiety symptoms.

A single test can’t diagnose anxiety, but a combination of mental and physical examinations and psychological questionnaires can help the doctor make the diagnosis. If you have a medical diagnosis, your doctor may recommend antidepressant medications to help you cope with the symptoms of anxiety.

The drugs in these medications can help you relax and focus on what’s important, instead of worrying about your anxiety. They can also decrease or eliminate the physical symptoms you’re feeling, like trembling and shortness of breath.

Some medications also can help you sleep better at night, so you can wake up more refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. In some cases, a combination of drugs and counseling can help you deal with your anxiety.

Anxiety is the most common psychiatric condition in the United States. It affects 40 million people. But many people don’t seek help for their anxiety or worry because they are embarrassed or ashamed.

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